Go Back to the Very Beginning
Erinç Seymen
8 April - 13 May 2017
4th Floor / Open School Library
Opening: 8 April 2017, 4pm - 7pm
Galata Greek School is pleased to present Erinç Seymen’s exhibition at Open School Library initiated as a reading room and a project space.
Erinç Seymen’s new exhibition titled “Go Back to the Very Beginning” aims to discuss the transformation of artisanship and professional craftsmanship attributed to minority identities, both as a functional medium of survival and an indicator schematizing societies. The professional skills have an affirmative emphasis which sometimes appear as titles for individuals or become their surnames. The installation which comprises of one painting and one sculpture, invites the viewer to think about not only on this aspect but also on these skills’ standardizing and nostalgic effect on societies. Against the risk of depicting these inherited and legated crafts as two dimensional and in a romantic type theater; the exhibition points out to the necessity of emancipating the relationship between the type of profession/labor and the cultural identity from the reductionist perspective.
There will be numerous readers invited by the artist in conjunction to the Open School Reading Sessions.