
Lara Ögel

20 January - 17 February 2018

4th Floor / Open School Library

Opening: 20 January 2018, 4pm - 7pm

Galata Greek School is pleased to present Lara Ögel’s exhibition titled ’İmtidâd ‘ at Open School Library initiated as a reading room and project space.

Through the blurred shades that blend the past and the future, her fingers were flipping the pages as if to find a familiar moment…
such was the search that went on and on amongst the blurry realm ahead of her…
timelessness embraced her…
… until that which is unseen has revealed itself

Lara Ögel whose artworks introduce a refined perspective on space and memory, answers these concepts through a site-aware installation for her show at Galata Greek
Following the traces left behind from states of uncertainty or suspension, Ögel focuses on the term İmtidâd; brought into our culture by Yahya Kemal and defined by his pupil Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar as “to evolve as you go on and to go on as you evolve”. The artist harmonizes this definition, which also examines the state of staying true to one’s self in the course of evolution and progress that Modernism imposes, with the memory of Galata Greek School which is going through similar motions.

Ögel is inviting the viewer to a site of exploration, following the clues left behind by the students that are amongst the past actors of the space.